Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, being four germs the most frequent in causing health problems: bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. The most common is that these microorganisms affect plants and animals, but all living beings can be infected. Many of these microorganisms exist inside and outside the host. Many times they are harmless, or even helpful. Other times, the living being only serves as a carrier. But, under certain circumstances, some microorganisms can cause disease.

The form of transmission of these diseases can be through different paths: from species to species, eg, from person to person; between different species, e.g., from insects to people; consuming spoiled food or water; or through indirect contact, by touching something with microorganisms. It is possible to contract the disease through blood transfusion or organ transplant.

The symptoms vary depending on the microorganism, but every infectious disease goes through three stages: incubation, development of symptoms and recovery. There are microorganisms that can cause mild symptoms, while others can be fatal.

There are treatments for some of infectious diseases, but for others, only their symptoms can be treated. Some of the measures to prevent these diseases are: vaccination, hand washing, food safety, avoiding contact with wild animals, safe sex, and not sharing objects that can be put in the mouth.

Whether to treat or prevent, diagnosis is of vital importance to curb infectious diseases. To identify the microorganism causing the disease, a sample of blood, urine, sputum, or other tissue or body fluid is taken and tested. To do this, this sample can be analyzed at a microscopic level, perform a culture, or detect the presence of antibodies, antigens or genetic material (DNA or RNA) of the microorganism.

At Rekom Biotech we have specialized in human and animal infectious diseases, designing and manufacturing recombinant antigens and polyclonal antibodies so that they can be used in antibody and antigen diagnostic tests. If you need more information about why choose recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, please, visit our blog.


Below, you can find the list of infectious diseases for which we offer IVD reagents. If you want to know more about a specific disease, and/or consult the IVD reagents that we offer for a certain disease, do not hesitate to take a look.